The Birthday Committee
The observance of the life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. began in Teaneck, New Jersey as a Candlelight Ceremony upon his assassination on April 4, 1968. In subsequent years the Committee evolved to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday in January. When a national holiday emerged, the observance has been held on the third Monday of January. This annual observance, held in various houses of worship, churches, and temples, is an inclusive, racial, religious, and equitable service that attempts not only to remember Dr. King’s life but is an effort to raise awareness of human rights issues. In addition, recognition is given to community organizations that best exemplify the ideals of Dr. King and awards scholarships to high school students who excel academically and make significant contributions to their community through volunteerism. Our purpose is also to raise awareness of human rights issues by supporting organizations that best exemplify the ideals of Dr. King. This Bergen County Committee’s true mission is to address Dr. King’s Question:
“What have you done for others?”
In addition we:
Donate funds to support non-profit community-based service organizations, e.g. Food Banks, Shelters, and Women’s Service organizations.
Support the maintenance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument on the campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University in Hackensack, NJ through the sponsorship of special programs and events held at the site including the annual event held in August to commemorate the March on Washington DC.
Partner with Teaneck Public Library to create and hold programs for the benefit of the community and school districts in Bergen County
Plan & execute the Juneteenth Celebration for Bergen County
MLKJr. Birthday Committee Members
Theodora S. Lacey, Chair
Barbara Giarmo, Co-Chair
Toniette H. Duncan, Treasurer
Libby Klein, Recording Secretary
Althea Avery, Correspondence Secretary
Mike Rideau, Program Coordinator
Joseph Harris, Fundraising Chair
Craig Cannon & Jessica Monaco-Copell, Social Media Chairs
Raymond Addison
Helen Archontou
Arnold Brown
Juanita Brown
Lois Brown
Shelley Claude Washington
Jeannette Curtis-Rideau
Joyce Dais
Rev. Dr. Edna Dismus
Rev. Joann Pearson Collins
Rabbi Cathy Felix
Elaine Fondiller
Quron Gee
Alicia Maxey Greene
Cheryl Hall
Wayne Hamer
Stephanie Harper
Tama Harris-McPhatter
Anthony Johnson
Annette Machac
Dr. Marion McClary
Jackie McLeod
Evenny Peralta
Angela Perkins
Reggie Pittman
Lee Porter
Anita Rivers
Mark Robertson
Barbara Shapiro
Al Stawsky
Melanie Stokes
Vera Stokes
Levonne Turner
Charles Warren
Patricia White
Clara Mitchell-Williams
Seleene Lewis Wong